Dowry - A curse on our society 😢

What is Dowry? 

Dowry is defined as when a bride payment or bride price by the groom or his family to parents of the bride. 
Dowry is the wealth transfer to the brides family to the grooms family. 
It is also done as gifts by brides family. 

Why dowry is important? 

Dowry maintenan the gender inequality. In our society girls or women are a thing and they try to satisfy their ego by the different forms just like dowry.  
It is a curse in the life of women or girl.

How can we stop dowry? 

By educate or children. 
By gender equality. 
By make them independent. 

Punishment on giving or taking Dowry? 

The act under giving or taking dowry. An offence punishable with imprisonment for a term. Which is not less than 5 year and with a fine a fine which is not less than 50000 rupees. 


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